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"LADY TO ROCK" the new album of PAOLA PELLEGRINI LEXROCK will be out this Friday 04th May!

"LADY TO ROCK", the new powerful album of PAOLA PELLEGRINI LEXROCK will be out this Friday Friday 4th May in all Italian, German, Austrian and Swiss stores, as well as in digital stores all over the world, by Red Cat Records / 7Hard.

Already the title "LADY TO ROCK" describes the album, with lyrics and music written by Paola Pellegrini, who also played the guitars and sing all songs: an explosion of power and vitality, that ranges from hard rock to metal going from punk, with a touch of sensuality and a great charge of energy.

The production by Giuseppe Scarpato and Paolo Baglioni has expressed at best the potentials of the individual songs, that range in different musical genres but all linked by a single common thread that is a rock and disruptive passionate attitude.

Thanks to the mixing and mastering of Giovanni Gasparini, the sound is powerful but at the same time melodic, with great guitars and a strong rhythm section, entrusted to bassist Franky "Ciccio" Li Causi (former bass player of the famous italian rock band Negrita and now with Litfiba and Piero Pelù) and on the drums of Simone Morettin (currently with the great folk metal band Elvenkin).

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