Porphyra Rock Opera- upcoming show June 2nd-3rd (UNESCO awarded)
One week away! Get your tickets friends. This is a fully updated show with more music and fresh new talent. We are a UNESCO awarded production, having premiered at Carnegie Hall and Off Broadway at The Players Theatre. Come see what the buzz is about and bring some friends.
Sincerely, Billy Chrissochos

The Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce presents the amazing and highly-original "Porphyra, A Grecian Rock Opera Anna and Vladimir: The Love That ROCKED The World,” Experience ancient history through modern music, dance, and romance!
Friday June 2nd at 7pm Saturday June 3rd at 4pm and 8pm (two shows) Flushing Town Hall 137-35 Northern Boulevard Queens, NY 11354 Pre sale tickets now just $20!
ROCK OPERA: Experience History Through Music, Dance, and Romance
The Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce presents the amazing rock opera - “Anna and Vladimir: The Love That ROCKED The World”, in three shows on Friday, June 2 and Saturday, June 3, at historic Flushing Town Hall. Experience ancient history through modern music, dance, and romance! The rock opera, “Anna and Vladimir: The Love That ROCKED The World” shows the relationship between Russia and Greece, which were called Rus and Byzantium in the past, by demonstrating the relationship of St. Vladimir of Rus and Anna Porphyrogenita of Byzantium, two people who would not have met if it weren’t for politics met and fell in love after overcoming personal struggles and fears. The opera incorporates rock and roll, dance, and theatrics to entertain, and educate people on an era of history that gets little attention. This presentation is a collaboration between the Greater Flushing Chamber of Commerce and the Porphyra Band. For you history buffs, The name Porphyra “Πορφύρα” means the Purple or Porphy
#Porphyrarockopera #GreaterFlushingChamberofCommerce Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/769198286587238/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%223%22%2C%22ref_newsfeed_story_type%22%3A%22regular%22%2C%22feed_story_type%22%3A%2217%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D Press: Queens Gazette http://www.qgazette.com/news/2017-05-17/Features/UNESCO_Recognizes_CrossCultural_Presentation_Of_An.html The Hellenic American Center of the Arts: http://hellenicamericancenterofthearts.blogspot.gr/2017/05/porphyras-rock-opera-anna-and-vladimir.html?m=1 Karousos Art Critics Blog: http://karousosartcritics.blogspot.gr/2017/05/award-winning-porphyra-performance-to.htm
Introducing our wonderful Cast, Band and Dancers
The Cast:
Elaine Tuttle - Lead Singer/Princess Anna Porphyrogenita
Tommy Von Voigt – Lead Singer/Prince Vladimir
Christina Stavrou – Lead Singer/Princess Olga
Ron Iglesias – Lead Singer/ Emperor Basil II
The Band:
Billy Chrissochos - Guitar
Mike “Risko” Savvas - Guitar/Tzoura
Jose A. Navia – Bass
Richard S. Khuzami – Percussion
Tracey “Tre Boogie” Beavers - Drums
Featuring from the Dena Stevens Shazadi Project:
Dena Stevens - Chorographer/Principal Dancer
Peishan Lo - Principal Dancer
Alicia Kubeck – Principal Dancer http://porphyraband.com/rock-opera/ http://flushingchamber.nyc/